Saturday, November 13, 2010

Assignment #4 Meyers Briggs Personality Test

Take the following test and determine your personality orientation based on the questions you've answered. Due Wendnesday, November 17. View the occupational indicators as well.

Note whether the test results seem close to what you thought was your personality type.

Meyers Briggs Personality Inventory (abbreviated version) (Jung Typology Test by Humanmetrics)

Carl Jung
"The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.[1]:1 These preferences were extrapolated from the typological theories proposed by Carl Gustav Jung and first published in his 1921 book Psychological Types (English edition, 1923).[2]
The original developers of the personality inventory were Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. They began creating the indicator during World War II, believing that a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce for the first time to identify the sort of war-time jobs where they would be "most comfortable and effective".[1]:xiii The initial questionnaire grew into the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which was first published in 1962. The MBTI focuses on normal populations and emphasizes the value of naturally occurring differences.[3]"
(Source: Wikipedia)


  1. i am 78% extraverted, 12% intuative, 38% feeling, and 33%judging. margovani

  2. My results were ISFP INTROVERTED 33%, SENSING 12%, FEELING 12% PERCEIVING 33%

  3. My Type is
    Extraverted - 67%
    Intuitive - 12%
    Thinking - 38%
    Judging - 22%

  4. I am:






    distinctively expressed extravert
    moderately expressed sensing personality
    slightly expressed thinking personality
    distinctively expressed judging personality

    -Tara Fought-

  5. I am:

    1% Extroverted
    1% Sensing
    38% THinking
    11% Judging

    slightly expressed extravert
    slightly expressed sensing personality
    moderately expressed thinking personality
    slightly expressed judging personality

    Athena Hill

  6. ESTJ:
    28% extroverted
    1% Sensing
    50% Feeling
    89% Judging
    I am:
    moderately expressed extravert
    slightly expressed sensing personality
    moderately expressed feeling personality
    very expressed judging personality
    Brooke Carstarphen

  7. Drew Malinowski
    I am INFJ:
    33% Introverted
    25% Intuitive
    38% Feeling
    33% Judging

  8. Timothy Fridrich

    Your Type is
    Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging
    Strength of the preferences %
    50 31 12 22

    ESFJ type description by D.Keirsey
    ESFJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator™ ESFJ Famous Personalities
    ESFJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

    Qualitative analysis of your type formula

    You are:

    * moderately expressed extravert
    * moderately expressed sensing personality
    * slightly expressed feeling personality
    * slightly expressed judging personality

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My Type is ESFJ
    Extraverted 1%, Sensing 1%, Feeling 38%, Judging 56%

    slightly expressed extravert
    slightly expressed sensing personality
    moderately expressed feeling personality
    moderately expressed judging personality

    Erin Demko

  11. My type is ESFP

    Extraverted 78%, Sensiing 38%, Feeling 62%, Percieving 22%

    i am very...

    >very expressed extravert
    >moderately expressed sensing personality
    >distinctively expressed feeling personality
    >slightly expressed perceiving personality

    Brandon Wypasek

  12. Introverted- 11%
    Intuitive- 6%
    Feeling- 12%
    Judging- 1%
    I am:
    slightly expressed introvert
    slightly expressed intuitive personality
    slightly expressed feeling personality
    slightly expressed judging personality

  13. My type is ISFJ
    Introverted 56
    Sensing 12
    Feeling 88
    Judging 67
    The test results was very close to what I thought of my own personality. It was on point as far as occupational jobs as well.

  14. I believe the test results were pretty close to my personality but not completely.I even went on to see the occupational fields that fit my personality type and I did not agree.Erika Lillie

  15. My Type is INTJ

    I didnt completely agree on the results of the test. Although the occupational fields selected were right on track.


  16. Your Type is ESTJ
    Sensing Thinking=38
    Strength of the preferences=56%

    I am:
    -slightly expressed extraverted
    -moderately expressed sensing personality
    -slightly expressed thinking personality
    -moderated expressed judging personality

    -Desmond Davis

  17. ESTJ

    You are:

    * moderately expressed extravert
    * moderately expressed sensing personality
    * slightly expressed thinking personality
    * moderately expressed judging personality
    Erin Zito

  18. Neil Wonderchek

    I am:
    moderately expressed extravert-44%

    distinctively expressed sensing personality-75%

    distinctively expressed feeling personality-75%

    slightly expressed judging personality-11%

    These percentages are really close to what i thought they would be. I am really sensitive to feelings, mine and others and perceptive of my surroundings, others and situations. However I did think I would have been a little higher on the judging portion because I have strong opinions and sense of justice, although I know I need to be more understanding than judging.
