Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oral Report Schedule and Topics

Here is the schedule for your presentations. If the info is incorrect on your topic, please advises ASAP.

Monday, November 22 (after Test #4)

  • Teaire & Nyshia-Why is Dr. Phil So Successful?
Wednesday, November 24
  • Tara & Margo-Postive and Negatives of Facebook
  • Athena & Lauren-Homosexuality and It's Effects in America
  • Erin Z. & Alexxis-Does Stress Lead to Disease Like Cancer?
Monday, November 29
  • Nathan & Brandon-Mentors and Dependency
  • Erin D. & Brook-Narcissism: Looking in the Mirror
  • Scott & Kahleigh-How Friends Help Us Cope With Stress
  • Tim & Anthony-Does Stress Lead to Physical Disease Like Cancer?
Wednesday, December 1
  • Neil & Drew-Prjeudices:WhereDo They Come From and How To Overcome Them
  • Dawn, Michael & Znobia-Maslow's Hierarchy ogf Need 
  • Destini & Najiiyah-Why Partners Have Problems with Sex: Main Causes
  • Samantha & Shelby-Why Dr. Phil is So Successful?
Friday, December 3
  • Josh & Millard-What is Marital Cheating?
  • Desmond, Robyn & Erika-Marital Infidelity
  • Robby, Drew W., and Andrew: Long-Term Effects of 9/11

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