Oral Report Tips and Suggestions (half your oral report grade is on quality of presentation; the rest is on quality of content)
* No eye contact
* Seems like a robot
* Hides behind the lectern
* Speaks too loud/soft
* Sways/fidgets/paces
* Rambles or loses his/her place
* Never gets to the point
* Fumbles with notes, visuals or PowerPoint
* Too much material
* Nonexistent
* Hard to see
* Hard to undertand
* Out of sequence
* Shown too rapidly
* Shown too slowly
* Typos and errors
* Too wordy, no pics
* Too noisy
* Too hot or cold
* Too large or small
* Too bright for visuals
* Too dark for your notes
* Missing equipment
* Broken equipment
* Ridiculously complicated equipment
Planning Your Presentation
* Two-three sentence “purpose of your presentation”
* Analyze your listeners
* Analyze your speaking situation
* Select appropriate delivery method
* Memorize-only if necessary
* Impromptu-off-the cuff
* Scripted-if very technical
* Extemporaneous with notes-best
Preparing Your Presentation
* Research your topic
* Simplicity & conciseness
* Anticipate Questions
* Outline your presentation
* Plan your visuals
* When will you show certain visuals?
* Which ones work best
* How many visuals are best?
* Are your visuals achievable? What hardware is available?
* What medium is best for your presentation (overheads, PowerPoint, handouts, foam boards, etc.)
* Prepare your visuals
* Be selective
* Easy to read & understand
* 1 point per visual
* Readable to audience
* Limit material on a visual
* Fewest words possible
* 18-24 point sans serif type best
* Each visual a title
* Use color sparingly
* Label diagrams
* Proofread!!!
* Check Room beforehand
* Rehearse Delivery
Delivering Your Product
* Work the “audience” They’re your friend!
* Know your audience!
* Display enthusiasm and confidence
* Be reasonable and considerate of others
* Don’t preach. You’re not a preacher. Avoid jokes and wisecracks….not cool.
* Keep your listeners oriented. Let them know where you’re going.
* Introduce your topic clearly
* Establish common ground
* Provide good transitions between points
* Give examples!
* Review and interpret what you’ve said
* Leave people with something to remember
* Thank your listeners!
* Ask
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